Fadilec Vénissieux
+33 4 72 50 01 45
Fadilec Laudun
+33 4 66 90 56 72
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Contact Fadilec in Laudun in the Gard region (30)

Fadilec, engineering firm and integrator of global solutions, specialises in the field of industrial automation and robotics.

Our facility in Laudun in the Gard region operates throughout Southeast France – in the Languedoc-Roussillon and PACA regions – on large-scale projects in the fields of nuclear, aeronautics, defence and energy (oil & gas).


Rond-point des Quatre Chemins – 30290 Laudun

Phone: +33 (0)4 66 90 56 72

Fax: +33 (0)4 66 90 79 40

Email: commercial@fadilec.com

GPS coordinates: Laudun: 44.10499 4.60757
